Friday Night, Done Right! - FREE!!!
For the first time ever, Route Sixty-Six is taking Friday night on the road. We're going to LuckMousse cafe. We're going to be playing...
Open enrollment for ELL children's classes!
Teaching young ELL children as native speakers! Time to get back to work! Every year, countless children from abroad attend public...
Route 66's Christmas party recap
Thanks to everyone who came out and helped us kick off the holiday season! Here are some of our favorite moments:
Friday Night, Done Right! This Friday - 12/1/18
Welcome to 2018 and Route Sixty-Six's first Friday Night Done Right! We hope you had a great holiday, I know we all at R66 had a blast...
Welcome Back! (2018 ed.)
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed the holidays - the time off work, the special moments spent with your family and friends! But now...
Friday Night, Christmas Night!
Come celebrate with us! Event: Friday Night, Done Right! (Christmas Party) Time: 20.00-23.00 Price: FREE! Where: 132 Mamina-Sibiryaka...
Friday Night, Done Right! is tomorrow night!
Past events have been sold out so contact us soon to reserve your places! Friday Night Done Right! Friday, December 1st, from 20.00-22.00...
Friday Night, Done Right! is TONIGHT!
Tonight, November 3rd is Friday Night, Done Right!, our English speaking club with games, food, drinks and fun! Don't miss out!...
Friday Night Fun!
Thanks everyone for a fantastic night! A great time had by all... four native speakers + friends! See you all next time! :) Stay tuned...
Route 66's Spooktacular "Friday Night, Done Right: Friday 13th Edition"
Coming this Friday 13th.... Friday Night, Done Right! This Friday 13th come join Route 66 for our spooktacular "Friday Night, Done...